Terms & Privacy Policy
This page tells you the terms of use for Membership of Little Green Steps WA. Please read these terms of use carefully and make sure that you understand them before purchasing Membership through our site. You should understand that by purchasing a membership and becoming a member, you agree to be bound by these terms of use.
Terms of Use
Authorised Use & Monitoring
You must ensure that your username and password remain secure and confidential. You are entirely responsible for all use and activities associated with or arising from any use of your username and password (regardless of whether you authorised such use). Each username and password must be used by a single user and is not transferable. An attempt to log in with a username and password that is already in use will disconnect the other user. You must notify us immediately if you become aware of any unauthorised use of your username and password.
We may monitor usage of the Little Green Steps WA website via your account (including but not limited to concurrent usage of username and passwords) and may take any action it deems appropriate, including immediately terminating your Membership.
Membership Payment / Renewals / Cancellations
All payments will be made to the Australian Association for Environmental Education (WA Chapter).
As soon as you've successfully completed the sign-up process online and payment is confirmed, your membership will begin. The price is valid for a full 12 months.
The price is subject to change, but we will always notify you beforehand.
Please note that membership costs include GST and PayPal processing fees.
Member's Content
Member's content made available on the Little Green Steps WA site is strictly for member use only. You are not permitted to provide others with access to member's content. While you may download, store and create an archive of articles for your personal use, you may not otherwise provide access to such an archive to more than a few individuals on an occasional basis.
Privacy Policy
Little Green Steps WA collects your personal information in order to provide you with the service requested by you, and for secondary purposes related to that purpose. As a member, you acknowledge that we may contact you during the term of your membership in connection with your membership including communications relating to membership renewal unless and until you notify us otherwise.