Join Little Green Steps WA and Loose Parts Play experts in ways to engage children in loose parts learning that will stimulate exploration, creativity, independence, problem solving and  self-confidence ... to name a few of the sustainable outcomes nurtured in child well-being.

As loose parts learning is open-ended, multi-purpose and multi-sensory, the combinations of child-led play that can lead to real word sustainable learnings is endless.

Workshop includes:

  • Laying the Foundations of  Loose Parts Play especially for Babies and Toddlers (through heuristic play)
  • Ideas, Activities and Inspiration for developing and using 'real life' small parts, nature and loose parts in sustainable learning.
  • Links to the EYLF and NQS
  • Connection to other Early years educators in this space
  • Development of a Loose Parts Play Provocation Kit.

Click here for more information or register your place below

On Thursday 24th February 2022, from 5.30pm - 8.00pm  at Canning River Eco Education Centre, cnr Kent St & Queens Park