Bin Sprites - Teacher Resource Guide, free to download. This curriculum-linked teachers’ resource guide supports the illustrated story book ‘Bin Sprites to the Rescue’, written by Kate Vyvyan and illustrated by Ian Tregonning. A delightful tale of imaginary beings...
Cockburn celebrates the season of Kambarang in lots of sustainable ways, so join in. Teddy Bears Picnic is coming up on Wednesday, 09th October. It’s picnic time!! Grab your favourite teddy bear for a special Teddy Bears Picnic, with free fun for the whole family.Get...
Little Green Steps WA was privileged to work with Keep Australia Beautiful WA, Clean schools programme and Pilbara Meta Maya Aboriginal Corporation to share waste and litter education and learn about these issues for remote Pilbara communities in September 2022. We...
Thinking about joining LGSWA? Here's a sneak peak of some of the hundreds of resources available in our members area! Share the journey of Booyi the talking turtle with your children during the season of Birak and find out how you can extend children's learning about...